2024 Vanguard Justice Awards
August 24, 2024 @ 2:00PM — 5:30PM Pacific Time (US & Canada)
: 2 Sunset Terrace Kensington, CA 94707 Get Directions
Keep an Independent Voice for Justice Reform Alive
Join us on August 24 at 2:30 PM at 2 Sunset Terrace, Kensington CA, 94707 to support the existence of The Vanguard. This event will host several notable figures in promoting reform in the criminal justice system and an awards ceremony for notable figures in the justice system. There will also be limited edition Vanguard merchandise that will be available to purchase and food and drinks will be available.
Tickets: $100
Jonathan Simon, UC Berkeley Law Professor
Jeffrey Deskovic ESQ, Exoneree/Jeffrey Deskovic Foundation
Brian Hofer, Secure Justice
Marvin Mutch, 42 years inside, conviction vacated
The Vanguard, a community-based watchdog and news reporting organization that publishes daily coverage of local government and criminal justice reform, presents its yearly justice awards to groups and individuals making invaluable contributions to our criminal justice reform efforts and the peace and safety of us all.
Publisher and editor David Greenwald points out: “We have attempted to bring transparency, accountability and fairness to local government and the courts, while promoting social justice and democracy, and adhering to principles of accuracy and fairness in our reporting." Plain and simple.
Now, The Vanguard provides coverage of criminal courts throughout California – including Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles and others through the innovating "court watch" program, regional and national coverage of justice issues, extended coverage of legal and innocence issues, and prison journalism through the innovative and dynamic "Vanguard Incarcerated Press" program.
Please join us for these important awards and give generously to keep us going in our unveiling of many different parts of society that are behind the grey walls!